Sunday, August 8, 2010


So today I went to the post box,
as I realized that I did not check on my usual day,
which is of course yesterday,
So I went there today at my usual time of late at night...
thankfully Pharmasave is open 24 hours
so I can check my postbox and whatever time gives me jollies

I got tons of cards in the mail today! I am talking like a plethora!

I got four cards from the wonderful Barry Alderidge, real name no gimicks!
(Hows it hanging people!)
And it looks like he had to add a bit of postage onto them.. thats odd!
Sorry Barry! I was told that that was enough!

I also got one from one of my local workies.
Thats Work and Buddies put together. =)
It is a copy of a postcard from Italy!

So stoked for these new ones,
and I also managed to hand out more postcards
about 20 or so, and I started a facebook group so
lots of them should be coming in soon!

Keep you posted =)

Friday, August 6, 2010

Post Card Three - Poem!

So I am catching up on all of my typing up!

The third postcard to arrive was a little diddy from Canada somewhere.
As it is an anonymous handmade note.

The way it is shaped, my guess is that the individual wrote a letter on a loose leaf piece of paper and cut a square out, glued it on a spare piece of box that happened to represent how they felt, and mailed it my way. Which has a lot of thought put into it!

The gyst of what the postcard is saying is that the person doesn't want to move and wants to be around something to love them as much as possible. It also dictates what appears to be some sort of desired affair with a manager... at least that is what I got from it. Here's the postcard typed up:

"he really wants to come ou....
family but I dunno... I don....
move out. I don't think thats....
I need to be around my....
to love them the way I....
need to be the person I....
and should be. P.S. ....
on my manager at....
He has a wife. I wa....
I feel so badly but....
Who is looking to me....
telling me things tha....
be told by an older....
I like the special att....
I am so totally wer...."

See where I got all my ideas from? And the picture on the back is that of a person with their tongue to a frosted pole. So essentially they are stuck.
Bah. Starting to get tired, better type this up quick.

It is written in a Literary Ode similar to that of a Keats. Being that I have never been a very good titler... for the time being this one is called

Purple Slivers Green

Oh what a dilemma
stands before me in mourning
the consequences rise from the mud
which enhoused my conspiracy

Oh what a dilemma of heart
through the violence torn
full of love but bitterness
and yet it is done

I see light in conspiracy
with a hope but silent fear
A fading flower from anothe rblooms
stronger within a death

I met him as a humbled slave
full with others though unquestioned
above me fell in all status
tied with words to another

meetings in back halls
rooms and dark hearts
mind filled with eager lust
burning with sweetness

his words filled with wisdom
I see nothing but owls
through flying hearts
and beating secrets

he sees me despite
attachments blockade us
though heart feels mourning
guilt clouds over all

"I love thee" fills my thoughts
swirls of daunt raised
pining to move forward
cumbersome to be nothing honest

here he sticks me
stuck to ice
though heart melts with burn
mind is uneased

I see a lighter shade of cold
the darker side lusting
drawn by secrets
and lulled with emotion

coming out to release
never beating on
a lust to hold me
stuck though me with icicles

wishes keep me to him
hopes which are dastardly
unlikely to fruition
desire sings solely through birds.

La fin.
June 29 2010 - 11:58pm

Bam another one bites the dust.
And another one down
And another one down.
Go Odn ight

Thursday, August 5, 2010

I have just finished two more!

Two more poems have been completed!
I now have postcards 1-6 poemized! 4 to go... and just imagine if I had received them all back already! Oh Dear!

Poem for Postcard 4 is a Sonnet about my lovely province
Poem for Postcard 5 is an acrostic of sorts
Poem for Postcard 6 is back to the basics =)

Here is the lovely postcard 5 which is again handmade, from Canada, and from our mystery sender with the fishes.

Postcard number 6 is a postcard all the way from New Zealand! From Jared Campbell, who wants to travel here which is so funny because I almost went to New Zealand this summer because I have a hankering to go there! I added the picture of the back because you can see the New Zealand postmark across the top right.

Postcard number 7 is back to being from the stash sent to Tennesse! Which, at the moment, is the batch that has sent the most back! This one has a cool We Are Nashville slogan and almost shameless self advertising (Heart)

Postcard number 8 is again from Tennesse and this time depicts more of the hand drawn suit. I did not take a picture of the back as there was nothing, and not even the stamp had been marked so I suppose I could reuse it =)

More postcards uploaded tomorrow!
I promise! But for now it is now 4 in the morning and I need to sleep before I get to drive Alex to work... as I need the van!

ttfn =)

Post Card Two - Poem!

Not entirely sure at the moment why it has taken me so long to get anything posted on this blog, or even any of my channels at the moment but I am here just the same and mass updating because it is way too early and I cant sleep. Holy Giant Sentence.
2 am, Alex is sleep talking, way too hot to sleep.

So since it has been awhile,
the second postcard to arrive was the card with the... hold on let me check...
ok it was the postcard with the picture of clue the board game and the first in what I assumed would be a long string of postcards but I have only seen two.
My guess from the writing is that it is someone I went to highschool with.
Which really doesn't limit it, but I recognize the writing.
And it only has one stamp which means Canadian.

So I attempted a free verse... which is terrible because I tend to lack real structure with my free verse poems as you may or may not notice below. So here it goes!

(Untitled as of yet)
Little fishes driving your soul
guiding you to your pond and goal

little mysteries building you up piece by piece
never letting you give up on your lease

little bits of Canada fueling your identity
pushing you onwards to attempt telepathy

little tiny bits that make up who you are
a friend, known, loved, and a star.

-June 21st, 2pm

Not sure why I rhymed either but as I reread I am both laughing at its corniness and repeating it in my brain to a semi limerick tune. do do do do. almost catchy.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010



My postcard keeper that tells me when everything came in and left and woogoooo!!
Thank-you external harddrive that I thought I backed everything up on and I didn't check until this moment. =)

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Minor Heartattack

So I had a heart attack because I lost this stupid USB.
Then I just found it while grabbing my book, thus inducing a minor heart attack
then I opened the usb only to find that I had erased everything off for pictures.
Again heart attack.
But then I remembered that I had everything from my Kingston on my desktop (the computer Im on)'s desktop so I of course had a heart attack.
And then when I opened it I saw that there was nothing in that file that had anything to do with postcards.
Also heart attack.
Needless to say the lack of intelligence in this situation prompted me to check my other usb and of course there was a file that said postcards!
Surprise Heart attack!
The file contains postcards of old courthouses that I scanned for an elderly gentleman and I thought they were so intriguing I may be able to use them.
Sad Heart Attack.

Needless to say I am back to square one.
And now thanks to my minor heart attacks I now have to go to work.
No postcards till later. Sorry.

But there are ten.
I did take pictures.
Ten total. so minus the four or five I already posted...


So I seem to have lost my usb that had all of my postcard information on it,
good thing I backed up my pictures on my computer,
but the idiot in me did not back up my postcard counter.
Which basically was this handy little excel spreadsheet I made for all the postcards and when they came in.
Of course.

In any case. I am now up to a running total of 10 postcards....
Arent I suppose to have a hundred by now.
I think so!

So I think frantic post on facebook may do it... I dont know.
I will have pictures of the newer ones up till now.
I will be posting poems after this post
so ... now.
Glad we had this talk.
